Eye2Brain Academy

Q-Collar Myth Busters

The below photos are of an athlete’s heart rate variability (HRV) after interval activity without and then with a q-collar. The goal of this research is to determine how the q-collar impacts the autonomic nervous system during physical activity, thus leading to how well an athlete would recover from concussion.

The protocol performed utilized the Dynavision D2 unit for eye hand coordination to measure reaction time in a 60 second time frame. The following exercises were completed between each set:

  • 25 squats
  • 10 pushups
  • 25 jumping jacks
  • 25 situps
  • 10 burpees

The athlete demonstrated the following reaction times without the q-collar with each of these exercises:

  • 25 squats = 0.63 seconds
  • 10 pushups = 0.64 seconds
  • 25 jumping jacks = 0.65 seconds
  • 25 situps = 0.61 seconds
  • 10 burpees = 0.72 seconds

After taking the first HRV, which you’ll see timed at 11:19 am, the athlete demonstrates the appropriate amount of brain wave stimulation for the time of day and sympathetic response after exercise. The blood flow throughout the spine is optimal in its entirety. The athlete also demonstrates an energy pyramid within normal limits and overall optimal performance.

Now, apply the q-collar and repeat the whole process. Here are the reaction time stats:

  • 25 squats = 0.68 seconds
  • 10 pushups = 0.63 seconds
  • 25 jumping jacks = 0.63 seconds
  • 25 situps = 0.61 seconds
  • 10 burpees = 0.72 seconds

See the second HRV, timed at 11:55 am, you will see that his energy resources are much lower than without the collar, that brain waves are more balanced with less beta and alpha stimulation (which are the 2 responsible for focus, concentration, and energy…!), and that he had less balanced blood flow throughout his spine.

Hypothetically, if an athlete were to sustain a concussion while wearing a q-collar, what good would it do given this information? Reply to this post to have the discussion!

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