Eye2Brain Academy

Course Catalog

Get in-depth training to help you provide best-in-class
care to your patients. Select courses are CE eligible.


Vision & Neuroplasticity

Defining neuro-plasticity and how the brain is changed after a concussion.


Vestibular Series Part 1: What are those wiggles & jiggles

Dr. Fitzgerald, OD compares a Right Eye assessment and Vestibular 1st assessment in regards to vision/vestibular integration after suspected injury.



Join us for the recording of the in person conference held on June 22, 2024. Train Your Brain to See Again is about working interprofessionally to learn how to assess, treat, and return from concussion, TBI, and vision dysfunction.


Train Your Brain to See Again Clinic 2022

Join us for our 2 day Train Your Brain to See Again Clinic July 8-9, 2022. During the 2 days we will discuss Multi-Sensory Stimulation Therapy, how to bill/code it, and its relation to concussion, TBI, and neurodegenerative affect.


Tone Pacer Webinar – Nov 2024

Dr. Fitzgerald, OD reviews Tone Pacer and how to use it.


Therapy Tips for Practitioners

This course will discuss the different areas of the brain that control vision and eye movements, as well as rehabilitation techniques specific to each area.


Telemedicine and Home Exercise Programming

Learning objectives: 1. Determine when telemedicine is appropriate
2. Understand multiple techniques to implement telemedicine
3. Provided with examples of high tech programs to apply to various populations


Symptom Guided Therapy: A Case Study

Four case studies will be presented on utilizing symptom guided therapy for concussion/mTBI patients.


Sport Vision Training; CE Wire 2022

Dr. DeAnn Fitzgerald discusses how sports vision training can be used during concussion rehabilitation and for sports performance.


So You Have a Concussion, Now What?

This course will discuss the role of optometry and concussion rehabilitation. Includes an overview of the six concussion clinical trajectories, eval and rehab techniques, and case studies.


Pinnacle Exercise Examples

This video explains beginner exercises performed during the Pinnacle Program.


NORA Follow-Up

This course is a follow-up from the NORA Convention. Concussion testing best practices, symptom provocation, and the role of optometry in concussion eval and rehab are discussed.



This course discusses comprehensive concussion evaluations, symptom provocation, VOMS testing, and other neuroexam methods utilized in practice.


Neuro-Rehab Therapy and Tools in a Pandemic


Neuro Guide to Brain Based Therapies

January 2024's webinar with Dr. Fitzgerald, OD as she releases information on her new 4 part Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation: A comprehensive guide. Dr. Fitzgerald also discusses occular-motor skills assessments in relation to concussion/TBI assessments. This helps set the stage for creating a plan of care, beginning with vision!


Multi-Systems Therapy

Understand the Optometrist’s role in Multi-Systems Therapy in relation to concussion and traumatic brain injury.


March 2024 Webinar

Dr. Fitzgerald, OD reviews techniques to assess and treat vestibular imbalances. Some treatment techniques may include gravity reset, bone conduction Hz, and proprioceptive taping methods.

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