Eye2Brain Academy



On Demand recording of Train Your Brain To See Again: Saturday June 22,2024!

Come learn from Dr. Fitzgerald, OD and her staff to promote concussion assessment and management.

  1. Interpretation and use of various
    concussion assessment tools.
  2. How to transition from
    assessment to rehab.
  3. Assessment of the
    vision/vestibular systems
    together and using sound waves
  4. Using varies tools in concussion
  5. When to refer. Who to refer to.
  6. When to release a patient back to
    work, school, play. Discussing
    modifications and guidelines.

Vision In Motion, powered by Dr. Fitzgerald & Associates, is hosting our bi-annual Train Your Brain to See Again Conference! Save the date for Saturday June 22, 2024 from 8 am to 5 pm. We plan on addressing the following learning objectives, and much, much more: 

  1. Interpretation and use of various
    concussion assessment tools.
  2. How to transition from
    assessment to rehab.
  3. Assessment of the
    vision/vestibular systems
    together and using sound waves
  4. Using varies tools in concussion
  5. When to refer. Who to refer to.
  6. When to release a patient back to
    work, school, play. Discussing
    modifications and guidelines.TYBTSA2024 (1)

Location of conference:

3225 Williams Parkway SW

Cedar Rapids, IA

(319) 366-3500

Breakfast, coffee, and lunch will be provided. Please email Stephanie at the given address below if you have dietary restrictions. We are more than happy to accommodate!

Please email Stephanie at stephanie.activeevolution@gmail.com if you need to cancel and request a refund for this event. Your refund will be mailed to you via check.