Eye2Brain Academy

Concussion Part 2: Vision Vestibular


This follow-up to Dr. Fitzgerald’s Concussion: What’s Vision Got to Do With It? Covers such topics as the definition and understanding of PTVS (Post Trauma Vision Syndrome), symptoms- including statistical data and related treatment, assessment protocols, developing a treatment plan and case studies.


This follow-up to Dr. Fitzgerald’s Concussion: What’s Vision Got to Do With It? Covers such topics as the definition and understanding of PTVS (Post Trauma Vision Syndrome), symptoms- including statistical data and related treatment, assessment protocols, developing a treatment plan and case studies. As the connection between the vision and vestibular systems is critical in normal, everyday activities, when one system is challenged or limited, the other system can be affected as well. Intervention in these areas can bring improvements because of the brain’s neuroplasticity.