Eye2Brain Academy


Dr. Fitz’s Sports C.A.M.P.


Learning Objectives:

1. Evaluate the definition of an athlete. 2. Understand the importance of integrating the 6 trajectories of concussion simultaneously. 3. Remember that protective equipment does not prevent concussion and may reduce the severity of injury. 4. Remember that you can perform testing on athletes that have not had baselines.



Program Evaluation – Dr. Fitz’s Sports C.A.M.P

To be downloaded by participant upon completion of the webinar: Dr. Fitz’s Sports C.A.M.P.  to evaluate the program and instructors’ performance. Program evaluation form is based off of the 2017 BOC Approved Provider Handbook Program Evaluation Template.


Dr. Fitzgerald & Associates                                                                                           

3235 Williams Pkwy SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52405

(319) 366-3500




Activity: ________________________________________________________________

Date of Activity: __________________________________________________________

Speaker: ­­­­                                                                                                                                                                 


  1. How would you rate this activity overall? (Select one. 0 being poor, 5 being excellent)

0            1            2            3            4            5


  1. Did the program achieve the stated upon learning objectives? (Circle Yes/No)
  2. Define athlete               

Yes       No

  1. Understand the importance of integrating the 6 trajectories of concussion simultaneously. 

Yes       No

  1. Remember that protective equipment does not prevent concussion and may reduce the severity of injury

Yes No


d.. Remember that you can perform testing on athletes that have not had baselines.

Yes       No



Please rate the following program components Excellent Good Fair Poor
Registration process        
Date/time of program        
Usefulness of educational materials provided (i.e. handouts, research articles, etc.)        



Were the speakers knowledegable, relevant, and effective regarding the content of their presentation? Excellent Good Fair Poor
Dr. DeAnn Fitzgerald, OD        


If poor was answered to any of these speakers, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________


  1. Was there any perception of bias or commercialism throughout this program? Please explain.


  1. Was the participant assessment appropriate and aligned with the program’s learning objectives?


  1. What did you like most about this program? _________________________________________________________________________


  1. What did you dislike about this program?



  1. Please identify topics you would like to discuss at future conferences:



  1. General Comments:


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